For Everyone

  • Open Play for DUPR

    Scores are recorded and entered into DUPR by a BPC staff member

    This event is a tool to help you get a rating, but it is not the only way to obtain one

    Player levels will vary

    Each session is 1.5 hours

    Members $20; non-members $30

  • Socials

    Partners assigned at the start and pairings mixed throughout the evening

    Themed events that mix socializing with games

    Usually 2 hours

    Dinner and drinks often included

    Prices dependent on event offerings

  • Volley Ball Machine

    Get the experience of a coached lesson that you design yourself

    Book a court and select the machine as your coach (no partner needed)

    Drills programmed into the machine

    $15 per hour + court time

New to Pickleball?

  • Emerging Pickler Clinic

    • Designed for people new to pickle to introduce the fundamentals in a low-key setting.

    • 1.5 hour session each week for 4 weeks

    • 4 person maximum per court

    • Members $180; non-members $220

    Take a Private Lesson

    • Our coaches are here any time you need some new or additional instruction. We have a number of coaches for you to choose from. Book a one-time or recurring lesson.

    • Coaches will work with you one on one, or you can bring up to 3 friends and learn together

    • Instruction is personalized! Our coaches tailor each lesson to help improve the aspects of your game you feel need the most help. See our Lessons page for more info.

    After attending the clinic series or booking private lessons, participate in our socials, book a court with your friends or move to Step 2!

  • Open Play for DUPR Rating

    • Most of our programs require a DUPR rating, so get your DUPR rating to sign up for more events!

    • Each session is 1.5 hours with rotating partners

    • Members $20; non-members $30

    • The levels of each player in these session will vary

    • This event is a tool to help you get a rating, but it is not the only way to obtain one

    Once you have your initial DUPR rating, you can continue to play in these events or move to Step 3 to join others at your level

  • Open Play

    • Open Play is casual (with women only and masters 55+ options!)

    • Member $12; non-member $22

    • Free sessions available for members during select off peak hours every weekday

    • Each session is 1.5 hours and there is 4 person minimum

    Round Robin

    • Round Robins are competitive with scores recorded.

    • Member $20; non-member $30

    • Each session is 1.5 hours and there is 4 person minimum

    This is a great place to stay and improve your game or move to Step 4 for more competition

  • DUPR Tournament

    • Partner up with a similarly rated player for a one-day round robin style tournament with up to 16 teams of 2 players

    • The average rating of each team should be within the DUPR range

    • Matches recorded using DUPR

    • Price dependent on tournament offerings

    Open Tournament

    • Partner up with another player of your choosing

    • Each team is ranked based on their average DUPR rating

    • BPC staff create flights based on the rankings

    • Each flight will have a winner

    • Usually held during holidays

    • Price dependent on tournament offerings

    Interested in a long-term commitment with more variety in partners? Move to step 5!

  • Leagues

    • Men’s, Women’s, Co-ed leagues: For each league we will rank all registrants by their DUPR rating and the 12 highest rated people will play in the top division in their desired league, the next 12 will play in the second division, and so on

    • Masters League Men’s and Masters League Women’s: 6-week commitments for ages 55+ where you rotate partners each week and no DUPR scores are recorded

    • Partners league: 6-week commitments playing with a partner of your choice against other teams of similar skill level and DUPR scores are recorded (multiple DUPR range options available)

    • Honcho: they run leagues at our facility

    • BPC leagues are $80/member and $140/non-member

    For more info on these leagues and to sign up, click here for Hyde Park and here for Norwell.

For Established Players

  • These clinics are a one-time commitment designed to develop your skills

    • Taught by one of our in-house pros

    • A 1.5 hour session

    • 4 person max per court

    • Members $45; non-members $55

  • No partner, no problem! Open Play is designed for members of similar skill sets

    • A 1.5 hour session

    • No pro assigned

    • 4 person minimum

    • Members $12 (select off peak hours FREE); non-members $22

  • Format is based on randomized partnering throughout the event

    • Scores recorded by assigned pro and entered into DUPR

    • A great way to update your DUPR

    • Minimum of 4 players required

    • Members $20; non-members $30

  • Partner up with a similarly rated player and battle against other pairs for prizes and bragging rights

    • Up to 16 teams of 2 players

    • Round robin format

    • The average rating of each team should be within the DUPR range

    • Matches recorded using DUPR

    • Prices depend on tournament offerings

  • Co-ed, Men’s, Women’s

    • These league options for regular competitive play where DUPR scores are recorded for all matches

    • 6 week season

    • League based on DUPR Level

    • 6 to 12 players per league

    • Each player is guaranteed to play in four matches

    *Next league coming soon!


    • 6 weeks long with teams rotating each week

    • You will play a minimum of 4 matches

    • DUPR range options for your specific skill level

    • Matches recorded using DUPR


    • Both Men’s and Women’s options for ages 55+

    • 6 weeks long with players rotating each week

    • You will play a minimum of 4 matches

    • No DUPR required and no scores recorded

    For more info and to sign up for a Hyde Park League, click here.

    For more info and to sign up for a Norwell League, click here.

    League prices are members $80; non-members $140

Junior Clinics

Come play pickleball during your February school break!

From February 18-21 we will be hosting Junior Clinics for kids between the ages of 5-13.  The clinics will be held from 9-10:30am in both Hyde Park and Norwell and will involve a warm-up, drills, and fun games. This is a great way to see if your child may be interested in joining us this summer for a week of camp. Get your kids out of the kitchen and on to the court with us!

Contract Time

Book regular sessions at your ideal time to guarantee playing time with fellow players

1.5 or 2 hour increments to book for roughly 13 weeks at a time

Must be a member to book, but you can invite non-members to play

Available upon request only (not bookable online)

Price will depend on the court rate at your reserved time

Interactive Walls

A state of the art pickleball technology that uses a projector and a wall to run you through drills, games and training programs providing you with excellent solo practice

Practice before hopping on the court

Track your personal stats through the PIQLZ app

Try either the large wall or smaller dink wall